Jan 28, 2020 | What's New
Things keep coming back around! There is a photo attached of a church pew that we bought back this week from a customer who purchased it 30 years ago. We recognized it immediately. We used to buy large batches of church pews and cut them down. The worst part was...
Jan 20, 2020 | What's New
Sometimes everything happens at once, and this week it did! One shipment came late, one came early, and one came on time. They all showed up this week. Two big shipments of reclaimed wood furniture arrived with lots of new and old product. The first pieces from a new...
Jan 13, 2020 | What's New
Last week we got in a collection of sterling silver including: a great pair a candelabras, small candle holders, pair of napkin rings, 5piece brush & mirror set, tea pot, shoehorn, nut crackers, salt & peppers, and lots of flatware. We ran out of the metal...
Dec 29, 2019 | What's New
Given that this is the last update for the year we thought we would do something different. Instead of talking about what came in over the past week we thought we would take a longer view and tell everyone about some of the exciting things we have planned for winter...