This past week, we received a shipment of new replica vintage tin signs. We restocked the large 32” x 47” We Can Do It! signs, which are by far our best-selling large sign, a photo is below. We also received New James Bond signs; a photo is below. Plus a few more new weed and humorous signs.
A quick note on tin signs. These signs are all newly made. We call them vintage because they have a vintage or aged look. There aren’t nearly enough old signs available to meet demand, that’s why we have new ones made.
We also received samples of coke crates, like the tin signs there just aren’t enough antique ones available to meet demand, so we imported some samples to see what they looked like. A photo is below.
A couple of new garden items also showed up; butterfly garden stakes, and umbrella wall planters.
New antique furniture arrivals included: Queen Anne wing chair reupholstered, large walnut armoire 1880’s, primitive kitchen table and matching chair, assorted kitchen and dining chairs, Louis XV tub chair, Edwardian Chippendale desk, beveled walnut sideboard mirror, walnut tilt top table, pair of press back chairs, small walnut three shelf bookcase, and more.
New antique non furniture arrivals included: a collection of cast iron forging tools, copper fire extinguisher, set of 4 early buggy wheels, assorted porcelain[lots of plates, cream & sugars, 63piece Sovereign set, 38piece Ironstone set in original carton-never been used, 19 assorted cups and saucer-Aynsley, Paragon, and lots of Royal Albert, etc.], Featherweight Singer sewing machine, nickel plated floor lamp, assorted glass & crystal decorative pieces, 3 unusual metal & glass candle holders, very nice selection of 19 framed needlepoint pictures, 3 oil lamps, shoe lathes, cast iron ice grabbers, miscellaneous tools, unusual wooden Victrola horn, marble table lamp, hallway ceiling fixture, 2 Polaroid cameras, 2 meat grinders, 1940’s fishing box, large galvanized wash tub, Lucky Seven straight razor, brass & iron bell, brass half hour glass, sickle, 12foot tree trimmer, 26piece silver plate fish set, mid-century ashtray stand and matching floor lamp, 1940’s working black wall phone, and lots more.