This week, we received a shipment of replica vintage tin signs. We’ve restocked many of our best sellers that were sold out, plus a few new signs, of course.

We’ve been selling out of lots of our outdoor items, so this week we restocked: outdoor plant tables, corner butterfly chairs in black and white, yellow and white butterfly chairs, white butterfly benches, and bronze rose benches. A photo is below.

New antique furniture arrivals included: wicker loveseat and matching chair, another wicker chair, wicker window planter, lift seat hall bench, 4foot Canadianna kitchen table, large primitive pine coffee table, courtroom bench, outdoor round cedar coffee table, oval mahogany tea trolley, large Chippendale wing chair, large Art Shoppe wing chair, bamboo loveseat and matching chair with cushions, late Victorian living room chair, redone Louis XV side chair, a very unusual pine coffee table-a photo is below, and more.

New antique non furniture arrivals included: a nice batch of 49 assorted cups and saucer-a photo is below, 5 assorted gilt mirrors[oval, round, & rectangular], brass slipper box, several nice sets of books, 2 different large pine window mirrors, assorted glass and crystal candle holders, nice large 6piece silver plate tea set, vintage floor model gumball machine, closet mirror, 4 British hunt scene prints, punch bowl set, 2 small bronze figures, assorted silver plate hollowware, assorted crystal bowls, and more.