The much talked about, custom ordered, large replica metal signs have all finally arrived! I didn’t include any photos because there is a ”Large Replica Metal Signs” section on our Reproductions page with lots of photos. Plus, they just arrived, we haven’t finished unpacking them yet. All the signs in the “Large Replica Metal Signs” section are now in stock. There are even more large sign options available instore. We are pretty excited about these, I first mentioned designing some larger signs two years ago to one of our suppliers. After a lot of design and manufacturing details were worked out, and several rounds of samples, and of course covid related shipping delays, they are finally here!
It seems like every spring we amass enough outdoor metal birds to build an aviary, and this spring is no exception. More birds showed up this past week including: peacocks, blue jays that hang from the ceiling, two types of egrets, yellow goldfinches, and roosters that hang on the wall.
A few more new outdoor items included; Ferris wheel planters and bicycle planters.
A bunch of fun new home décor items showed up, including: moose & deer head resin sculptures, replica vintage wall fire extinguishers, wall décor, accent tables, wooden crates, vintage replica model tractors, motorcycles, and Volkswagens.
New antique furniture arrivals included: red leather wing chair, two door maple bookcase, Art Deco chest of drawers, plant stands, 54” round mahogany table with 4 leaves, set of 5 mahogany dining chairs, set of 4 colonial chairs painted yellow, pair of press back chairs-also painted yellow, Louis XV style night stand, birch bookcase, large Victorian mantle mirror, oval Victorian parlour table, oval marble top carved lamp table, and more.
Non furniture antique arrivals from this past week included: small early mantle clock, Lladro figurine, 2 wooden ladders, 2 signed and numbered decoys, assorted china platters, miscellaneous figurines & Limoges pieces, wicker baskets & trays, pair of unusual wicker candle holders, 3 different 2feet high Asian influenced vases, and more.