We hope everyone survived the holidays, stayed warm and didn’t get buried in snow! During the holidays we get about two weeks where we don’t received any shipments of new or refurbished items. That means we have more room to bring in antique pieces. Highlights include: a terrific three piece inlaid European parlour set-photos attached, several round and oval kitchen tables including one made of quarter cut oak, set of 4 north wind press back chairs, a collection of copper kettles, a chunky modern drop front desk, gone with the wind lamp, wooden mortar and pestle, large pair of blue and white china lamps with marble bases, set of 4 iron chairs with wood seats and backs, a nice pair of Louie XV style arm chairs, wall console and mirror, sewing table, swivel office chair, pine drop leaf table, assorted chairs and rocking chairs, vintage record player, mirrors, and assorted china, crystal and copper pieces. We also keep bringing in new lighting fixtures from the remains of an antique lighting store we bought out a while back. We keep getting asked for small church pews, so we dug one out and brought it in-photo is attached. Here’s wishing everyone a great 2018!